Saturday, October 2, 2010

SureSmile Technology

The Computer Software

The Robot that will bend the wires

Claims to cut your Braces' treatment time in half. The "SureSmile" Technology makes the usual 24 month treatment to 12 to 18 months with the help of a computer software and a robot:-)

With SURESMILE orthodontic treatment, getting braces isn’t what it used to be. You’ll get outstanding results in less time with innovative SureSmile technology.

* Spend less time in braces
* Need fewer office visits
* Experience reduced pain
* Receive high quality results
* Based on a January 2009 comparison of 12,238 patients treated with SureSmile to 3,452 patients treated conventionally, SureSmile on average takes 34% less time that traditional braces.

Watch and learn!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Orthodontic GPRS

Orthodontic advancement by inputting the present tooth positions of a patient's mouth, a software determines the right direction teeth should be in. Once the proper positions are determined, this information is transferred to a robot that forms the wire with the right bends. This wire is then worn on the patient.

That's high technolgy for you :-)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Check out the ORAL-B Cross-Action Toothbrush

Let me start off by saying that I am not being paid to write about ORAL B.

I am simply an orthodontist who would like to help out find means and ways to best clean the teeth....especially harder to clean teeth with braces.

Having braces makes it harder to reach certain areas of the teeth. Most resolve to simply brush harder, brushing forcibly, which is really unnecessary and may even cause receding gums.I don't really like reading long write ups and studies about a certain product but what I do like are simple presentations that make sense and would atleast prompt me to try and see for myself.   What convinced me to give this toothbrush a try is this video which I think we should all watch.

CrissCross Bristles vs. Straight Bristles Video

I think with it's unique features and very good looking form, this would fetch quite a hefty sum for a toothbrush. But if it does clean better, preventing gum problems, lessening visits to the dentist for deep cleaning...I'd recommend it anytime.....YES....even if it means lesser visits to my office :-)    

Oh! And by the way, if you do decide to try it, hope you can help me out by leaving a comment on how you find the toothbrush ...good or we can spread the word around :-) 


Friday, April 30, 2010

Braces: No Pain, receding Gums & Falling Brackets

Everytime I put on braces on a patient, I always try to remember the teeth and it's basic structure.

I am moving teeth and to do so I must consider how each part of the teeth & its supporting structures are affected.

Putting the braces, I must consider the condition of the enamel, which is the outermost layer of the tooth . Is it  hard and healthy or is it chalky or mottled which will make brackets hard to stick to it?

 mottled enamel

Once the braces are on, I must now regulate the quality, quantity & direction of the forces so that the dentin and pulp containing the nerves will not hurt, or worst, be injured. Too much force or too long a force will cause pain.

Once the teeth have moved, we now see beyond the pulp and consider whether continuous or interruptive force will be appropriate to protect the gums and surrounding bone of the teeth. Here is where the length of force applied matters and affects the tooth support the most. Too much of the strong force if applied too long will eventually make one lose bone and thus gums to go down to a level where the roots of the teeth show, termed  "recession".
receding gum on upper canine 

From the start of treatment be aware and be wary :-)  

Thursday, April 1, 2010

You Need Braces if....(2)

Dental braces (also known as orthodontic braces, or simply braces)

are a device used in orthodontics to align teeth and their position with regard to a person's bite. They are often used to correct malocclusions such as  
crowding / crooked teeth




open bites

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You need braces if.....(1)

Your teeth are crowded, not in a straight alignment
The doctor would call this a CLASS 1 malocclusion

Your upper front teeth is too forward, over your lower front teeth. 
Your upper lip is protruder over your lower lip.
The doctor would call this a CLASS 2 malocclusion
OR Excessive overbite

Your upper front teeth is too far backward, over your lower teeth
Your upper lip is retruded over your lower lip
The doctor would call this a CLASS 3 malocclusion
OR underbite

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


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used only until 2005 and not used since
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